There is no TRY, just DO

Well, here I go again. Back on the saddle after a failed year. I am certainly recognizing and most certainly aware of my pattern when it comes to weight loss. I have decided to yet again get back on the saddle. Give it another go, another try. This time (hopefully) armed and ready with tools that will make this attempt a success.

My life has just been blah as of late. I mean don’t get me wrong. I thank God each and every day that I am alive and kicking but there are days when I ask myself,’Is this it? This is all I have to look forward to?”. I remember when the new year came in I told myself that I was going to lose 36 lbs for my 36th (yikes, don’t remind me!) birthday this year. That was 3 months ago and my birthday is fast approaching and all I’ve lost so far is 2 lbs. Well, on the plus side 2 lbs lost is 2 lbs lost. On the minus side, 2 lbs don’t even scratch the surface of what I wanna lose. And my birthday is on May 10th – which gives me exactly 40 days to accomplish my New Year’s resolution. How ironic that I am blogging all of this on Holy Saturday. I guess the next 40 days will be like Lent for me. It will be a trying journey. That I can already anticipate. Which is the reason why I’m a bit apprehensive of starting the diet this coming Monday. But as I’ve also said, I have prepared for this. Researched and put together menu plans so as I’m not tempted to stray off my chosen path.

This time, I have decided to try The Dukan Diet. The Dukan Diet was created by French physician Pierre Dukan more than 10 years ago as a treatment for obese people. Here is the exact description from the site:

Dukan Diet

Essentially, it’s a four-phase, high-protein, low-calorie diet plan. There’s no weighing foods or counting calories. You eat as much as you want, at any time of day – as long as what you’re eating is lean protein, at least initially.

In fact, protein is the centerpiece in all four phases, along with oat bran, lots of water, and a 20-minute daily walk. Vegetables are allowed in the second stage, followed by small amounts of fruit and whole grains.

Sound familiar? It’s much like the first Atkins diet. Dieters lose weight rapidly – as much as 1-2 pounds a day during the first phase — which Dukan says helps to instill lasting motivation. He promises that hunger will disappear after the third day.

However, the book warns that dieters may suffer from bad breath, constipation, dry mouth, and fatigue — all consequences of low-carb, high-protein diets.

The Dukan Diet: What You Can Eat

Phase 1, the “Attack” phase, is quite simple: Eat all you want of lean protein, along with 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran and 1.5 liters of water daily. That’s it.  Dieters can choose from 72 lean or low-fat meats (excluding pork and lamb), fish, poultry, eggs, soy, and nonfat dairy.

This is followed by the “Cruise” phase, which allows unlimited amounts of 28 non-starchy vegetables every other day along with a core diet of unlimited lean/low-fat protein and 2 tablespoons of oat bran. Carrots, peas, corn, and potatoes are not on this list of vegetables but appear in the next phase.

Phase 3, “Consolidation,” allows unlimited protein (including pork and lamb) and vegetables every day, along with one piece of low-sugar fruit, 2 slices of whole-grain bread, and 1 portion of hard cheese. Dieters can also have 1-2 servings of starchy foods and 1-2 “celebration” meals (in which you can eat whatever you want) per week during this phase.  In this phase, you begin the lifetime commitment of eating the core diet of pure protein one day each week, preferably the same day.

Phase 4, “Stabilization,” is the maintenance portion of the plan.  The author promises you can eat whatever you like without regain if you follow his rules – one day a week, follow the same all-protein diet as in Phase 1; eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran a day; and walk for 20 minutes daily and never take elevators or escalators.

Sugar-free gum, artificial sweeteners, vinegars, and spices are allowed on The Dukan Diet. The book encourages dieters to take a daily multivitamin with minerals.

Why did I pick this one over the other diets you may ask? Well, I’ve tried many but the reason why I pick this one is that it seems easy enough to stick to it. As described, no counting calories or points and I like the fact that I get to eat as much as I want as long as it’s on the approved list of foods. Plus, I’ve found and realized that eating protein is easier for me than eating a salad. No offense to those who love salad. And it does keep me full longer which means that I can actually say no easily to the temptations. Because there have been way too many times when my spirit was willing but my flesh was oh so weak!

This time I promise to be different. This time I promised myself a change. My birthday gift to myself this year is to reclaim the quality of MY life. I’m sick and tired of being tired all the time. I’m sick and tired of having to take meds to control my blood pressure. I’m sick and tired of the pre-destined diseases that my family has passed down generation to generation. I refuse to be another statistic. I will rise to meet this challenge and I will show the world the new ME in the next few months.

According to the Dukan website, I should be in the Attack phase for 7 days and then I will spend 111 days (over 3 mos) in the Cruise Phase and then 158 days ( over 5 mos) in the Consolidation Phase. So all in all, this weight loss journey should last me the rest of this year. With celebration in tow for December. How fitting! Just in time for the holidays. Well this post has been a lengthy one. This will help me keep in check.

I’m off to finalize my meal plans and then to get ready for bed so I can wake up early to be at church for mass tomorrow. Wish me luck! Till next time  . . .

Happy Easter!

Next post, I will try to take pics so I can compare before and after.

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